Tuesday 19 September 2017

Our Beautiful Art

Last week we practiced our printing skills in Visual Art. We looked at the artist Richard Long and his piece 'Mud Hand Circles' as inspiration for our own work http://www.richardlong.org/Exhibitions/2011exhibitupgrades/nymudhand.html .

We looked at how he used his handprints in concentric circles to create a really interesting piece of art. We decided to make our own art pieces by printing concentric circles using corks. We also used our understanding of the colour wheel. We made sure each circle was one colour starting with red then to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. We think they look brilliant! Check them out below.
Here are some pictures of the class printing the pictures. 

Saturday 16 September 2017

A great start to an exciting new year...

We've had a very busy and exciting start to the year here in room 21. Already we've been learning about the skeleton, 2D shapes, spatial awareness and writing letters to name a few. We've even started tin whistle lessons. Keep an eye on our blog to see what we've been up to!